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Comercial Ulsa adds, updates, and shares products in 5 minutes with Sales Layer

Caso de éxito Comercial Ulsa

“With Connect we now have a clear notion about how much we have sold, how many orders are coming through, how many times a product has been ordered... and all in a single page view.”

Comercial Ulsa is a supplier of industrial supplies, workwear, and protective equipment with a wide national presence, and has been a trusted supplier to ACCIONA for more than 21 years.

Their digital journey had gone through several difficult stages, with the team aware that new technology needed to be embraced. However, they initially implemented a PunchOut system that led to unsatisfactory results, with high costs and unstable performance.

Thanks to Sales Layer Connect, Comercial Ulsa has been able to share its product catalog through PunchOut significantly faster, with lower costs, and without the need for technical knowledge. Its relationship with ACCIONA as a supplier is now much more positive and agile.

5 min




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