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As a certified Google Partner, Sales Layer can channel your product information directly to the most important marketplace on the internet.

The accuracy of the information on Google is key to the experience your customers will have of your products.

Your product information in Google Manufacturer Center is used to position your products in search, resulting in enhanced visibility for your products and a greater brand experience for your potential customers.

Stronger. Better. Faster.

Using Sales Layer’s PIM, you can connect your product information to Google Manufacturer Center and have a real-time connection to your products on Google.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduced maintenance time of your product information.
  • More consistent data across your online catalogs.
  • A single source for all of your products specifications and data.
  • A higher position in Google search, with a direct impact on your bottom line.

What is Google Manufacturer Center?

Google Manufacturer Center was established as a solution to the huge amounts of information scattered across the internet for different products. Lots of this information was incomplete or unreliable.

Google Manufacturer Center gives brands the opportunity to centralize their product information and be sure that what their customers see is consistent and on brand. This gives them:

  • Greater control of the brand
  • A better experience for users
  • More consistency
  • More precise product specification
  • Easier management of product information

How does Sales Layer’s connector work with Google Manufacturer Center?

To maintain complete consistency of product information. Google provide manufacturers with a detailed xml spreadsheet to be filled in and delivered to Google Manufacturing Center. Sales Layer now has the functionality to connect a cloud-based XML file directly, meaning manufacturers have a single place to manage all of their product data quickly and easily.

Sales Layer: An approved partner of Google Manufacturer Center.

  • Improve the visibility of your products in google: ahead of the competition
  • Review any discrepancies that have been found in your product data.
  • Increase your sales through Google searches
  • The best SEO: Google values verified information of product information


Connect to Google through Sales Layer

Boost your SEO, drive your business forward
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