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Enhance customer advocacy with PIM guide

Enhance customer advocacy through product enrichment

4 out of 5 shoppers will not buy a product online if there is missing product information. Product enrichment is vital, but it can be a source of pain points for you and your team.

But it doesn’t have to be: Sales Layer can manage your product data, create catalogs, strengthen your digital shelf strategy and boost revenue all from one single source of truth.

Now is the moment to go digital and use quality product content that has a direct impact on traffic, customer satisfaction, and conversion.

Download the presentation now to find out more.

Has your business ever encountered any of these problems?


Product data eating up your teams time


Thousands of SKU’s creating stress


Relying on multiple data sources and system


Struggling to manage the content in several languages


Facing obstacles when converting viewers into buyers


Receiving lots of product returns and complaints
Enhance customer advocacy with PIM Deck

Then your solution is product enrichment with a PIM. Learn:

  • Why quality product content is vital
  • What your customers expect from your content
  • How to nail your product management
  • How sales layer PIM can assist your marketing team